ASME Y14.40.6-2002 pdf free download

ASME Y14.40.6-2002 pdf free download

This Standard specifies graphical symbols for mea- surement and control functions in diagrams, with the same symbols in simple applications possibly representing instead components or devices implementing such functions. For graphical symbols for measurement and control components and devices, see ASME Y14.40.5. For the fundamentai ruies of creation and application of graphical symbols in diagrams, see ASME Y14.40.0. For an overview of the ASME Y14.40 series, informa- tion on the creation and use of registration numbers for identifying graphical symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of these symbols, and examples of their use and application, see ASME Y14.40.1.
2 REFERENCES The following references contain provisions which, through refcrence in this text, constitutc provisions of this Standard. For dated references, subsequent amend- ments to, or revisions of any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the references indicated below. For undated references, the latest edi- tion applies.
ASME Y14.40.0, Basic Rules for the Design of Graphical Symbols for Use in the Technical Documentation of Products
ASME Y14.40.1, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 1: General Information and Indexes
ASME Y14.40.2, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 2: Symbols Having General Application
ASME Y14.40.3, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 3: Connections and Related Devices ASME Y14 40.4, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 4: Actuators and Related Devices
ASME Y14.40.5, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 5: Measurement and Control Devices
ASME Y14.40.8, Graphical Symbols for Diagrans, Part 8: Valves and Dampcrs Pubisher: The American Socieiy of Mechanical Engi- neers (ASME International), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016 5990; Order Department: 22 Law
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 conirol: purposeful action on or in a system to meet specified objectives. NOTE: Control may include monitoring and safeguarding in addi- tion to the control action itself. 3.2 operaior: irarusfer of mecharuical parts. EXAMPLE: The closing member of a shut off valve or the contacts of an electromechanical switching device.
(1) The transfer direction may be defined as an opening operation, closing operation, ON-operation, OFF operation. etc.
(2) The ieru has a specili: ueaning in cunjunctiun with electric measuring relays. An over/under-relay is operating when its characteristic quantity reaches the set value by increasing/ decreasing in value (IEC 60050 448).
3.3 manual control: control of an operation by human inter- vention.
3.4 automnatic: (control, operation) self acting (not needing human intervention).
3.5 final controllinig element: element that directly changes the output variable of a controlling system (manipulated variable).
3.6 delury devic: device providing a time interval between the instant when an actuating force is applied or removed and the instant when the consequent change of position or state of the affected parts start.
3.7 ulumutic return device: device fur returning movable parts, such as those of a valve to inilial position (at-rest position), after an actuating force has been removed.
3.8 detent: device that retains movabie parts, for exampie, those of a valve, in a certain pusition until sufficient force is applied to overcome the detaining force in order to move the parts to another position.
3.9 ilaiching device: mechanicail device giving movabie parts, for example, those of a valve, the possibility to move in one direction but preventing them from retuning until the latch has been relcased. 3.10 blocking device: mecharnical device preventing movable parts, for example, those of a valve, from moving in any direction until the blocking device has been rcleased.
3.11 interilocking device: mechanical device making the opera- tion of movable parts of one component, for example, a contactor, dependent on the position or state of another component with movable parts.
3.12 infur mrulion processing: perfournuing of uperatiuns on dala to obtain or treat information.
3.13 primary location: location of measuring instruments, potentiometers etc., accessible to an operator, cf. auxiliary location (3.14).
3.14 auxiliary location: location of measuring instruments, potentiometers, etc. not accessibie to an operator, for example, behind a panel, cf. priruary localion (3.13).ASME Y14.40.6 pdf download.ASME Y14.40.6-2002 pdf free download

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