ASME B30.8-2020 pdf free download

ASME B30.8-2020 pdf free download

ASME B30.8-2020 pdf free download.Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
8-1.1.1 Basis
(a) Cranes and Derricks Designed for Barge or Pontoon Mounting. The load rating ofcranes or derricks designed for barge or pontoon mounting is dependent upon struc- tural competence, rope strength, hoistcapacity, and struc- tural attachment to the floating platform, and upon stability and freeboard of the floating platform, barge, or pontoon upon which they are mounted. Potential reductions in the crane’s capacity due to machine list or machine trim shall be made when these conditions are present.
(b) Land Cranes and Derricks Mounted on Barges or Pontoons. The load rating of land cranes and derricks mounted on barges is dependent upon stability; mechan- ical, hydraulic, or pneumatic limitations; rope strength; hoist capacity of the crane or derrick; and upon stability and freeboard ofthe floating platform, barge, or pontoon upon which they are mounted. Potential reductions in the crane’s capacity due to machine list or machine trim shall be made when these conditions are present.
8-1.1.2 Rated Loads
(a) Rated loads shall be the maximum workingloads at various radii as determined bythe crane orderrickmanu- facturer or qualified person considering machine list and machine trim for each installation.
(b) When deck loads are to be carried while lifting, the overall lift operation should be specifically analyzed with regard to their effect on the stability of the floating plat- form, barge, or pontoons, and requirements for tie-downs and anchorages.
(c) The rated loads and load radii of land cranes and derricksmountedonbargesorpontoonsshallbemodified asrecommendedbythemanufacturerorqualifiedperson. 8-
1.1.3 Rated Load Marking A durable load rating chart(s) with legible letters and figures shall be provided in paper, plastic, metal, or elec- tronic display form with each crane or derrick and attached in a location accessible to the operator while at the controls. The data and information to be provided shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
(a) a full and complete range of crane or derrick load ratings at all stated operating radii and boom angles, and for all permissible boom lengths, jib lengths, and angles
(b) the listandtrimconditions onwhich the load rating chart is based
(c) recommended parts ofhoist reeving, size, and type of rope for various loads should be shown either on the rating chart or in the operating manual
(d) essential precautionary or warning notes relative to limitations on equipment, operating procedures, and stability factors such as deck loads, list, trim, weather conditions, and paras.
8-1.2.2(b)(2)(-b) through 8-1.2.2(b)(2)(-f) should be shown either on the rating chart or in the operating manual SECTION 8-1.2: CONSTRUCTION AND LOADING CONDITIONS 8-1.2.1 Structural Competence
(a) Floating cranes and floating derricks shall be capable ofwithstanding the loads imposed on all compo- nents under normal operation conditions when installed and handlingloads notexceedingthe manufacturer’s load ratings with recommended reeving, and in accordance with other conditions specified herein. Stresses created by such loads shall not exceed the limitations specified in the code or standard governing the design of the crane or derrick.
(c) Welding shall conform to recommended practices ofthe American WeldingSocietyas outlined in ANSI/AWS D1.1 or ANSI/AWS D14.3 as applicable.
8-1.2.2 Operational Criteria (a) Operating ListandTrim. The liftsystem, comprising thecraneorderrickmountedonthebargehullorpontoon, shall be analyzed byaqualified personto determine barge or pontoon list and trim under all permitted operating conditions do not exceed the following:
(1) Cranes Designed for Barge or Pontoon Mounting
(-a) Ratedat50,000 lb(22 680 kg) capacityorless, the maximum allowable list or trim shall be 5 deg.
(-b) Rated at over 50,000 lb (22 680 kg), the maximum allowable list or trim shall be 7 deg; however, 5 deg is recommended.
(-c) WindLoad. Awindload created byaminimum wind speed of40 mph shall be considered in establishing operating criteria.
(2) DerricksDesignedforBargeorPontoon Mounting. Foranycapacity, the maximum allowable listortrim shall be 10 deg.
(3) Land Cranes and Derricks Mounted on Barges or Pontoons. The maximum allowable machine list and machine trim shall be the lesser of 5 deg or the maximum recommended by the crane manufacturer. If required information is not available from the manufac- turer, a qualified person shall be consulted.ASME B30.8 pdf download.ASME B30.8-2020 pdf free download

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