ASME QPS-2021 pdf free download

ASME QPS-2021 pdf free download

ASME QPS-2021 pdf free download.Quality Program for Suppliers: General Industry
(b) the initiation or discontinuation of a specific task or process under the quality program. Prior to initiation, measures shall be in place for the use of authorized personnel who are identified on the competency matrix as meeting the defined competency requirements for the specific task or process.
(c) the quality of work through requirements for individuals to undergo additional training and development to improve productivity or performance.
2-2.1 General
(a) The organizational structure, functional responsibilities, levels ofauthority, and lines ofcommunication for activ- ities affecting quality shall be documented. Executive management involved in the monitoring of the quality program undersection 2-15 shall be identified in the organizational structure. An individual from executive managementshall be responsible for assuring that an appropriate quality program is established.
(b) All personnel shall have sufficient authority, access to work areas, and organizational freedom to identify quality problems.
(c) Technical and quality personnel, in particular, shall be responsible for verifying thatall activities affecting quality have been correctly performed to meet the requirements specified by the approved technical job file.
2-2.2 Credentialed Personnel Roles, processes, or tasks requiring credentialed personnel shall be identified within the qualityprogram and defined as part of the competency requirements. As a minimum, the following roles shall require the use of credentialed per- sonnel:
(a) quality manager
(b) nondestructive inspection personnel
(c) welders; brazers; and welding, brazing and fusing operators (d) internal auditors and auditors 2-2.3 Competency Requirements — Quality Manager Thecompetencyrequirementsestablishedforthequalitymanagerwithinthequalityprogrammanualshallincludethe requirement that the person be credentialed through the completion of a formal ASME training course on the QPS standard. The competency requirements shall provide assurance that the individual has the necessary experience in the field of quality and a background aligned with the scope and complexity of the quality program.
2-2.4 Competency Requirements — Technical Manager Thecompetencyrequirementsestablishedforthetechnicalmanagerwithinthequalityprogrammanualshallrequirea competentperson suitable for the scope and complexityofworkperformed under the qualityprogram. The competency requirements shall provide assurance thatthe individual has the necessarytechnical qualifications, background, knowl- edge and understanding of the Certificate Holder’s products, including related design standards and manufacturing processes.
2-2.5 Assessment of Resources by Executive Management The executive managementshall ensure thatithas sufficientresources to fullyand effectivelyimplementthe activities defined within its quality program. The executive management shall undertake a periodic review, at least on an annual basis (see section 2-15), to determine whether
(a) personnel resource levels remain at an adequate level or if there is a need for recruitment
(b) existing personnel require additional training and development to improve capability, capacity, productivity, or performance
2-3.1 General
(a) The preparation, approval, issuance, and change ofinternally established documents thatspecifyquality require- ments or prescribe activities affecting quality shall be controlled to ensure correct and approved documents are used. Thesedocumentsshallbereviewedforadequacyandapprovalpriortoreleasebyauthorizedpersonnel.Changesto these documents shall be reviewed and approved by defined authorized personnel.
(b) Externally established documents, such as customer agreements, normative references, and standards, shall be reviewed for adequacy by authorized personnel prior to release as an approved document for use under the Certificate Holder’s quality program or the technical job file.
2-3.2 Competency
Matrix The competency matrix shall identify the types ofdocuments and the individuals who meet the competency requirements to prepare, approve, and issue such documents for use under the Certificate Holder’s quality program.
2-3.3 Access to Controlled Documents
(a) Measures shall be in place to ensure that the current version ofapproved documents are accessible and used as follows:
(1) by production personnel to achieve conformance
(2) by technical and quality personnel to verify the achievement of conformance
(b) The documents that shall be controlled under section 2-3, include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Quality Program Manual and subtier documents such as, but not limited to, procedures, work instructions,drawings, forms, tags, and labels
(2) technical job file
(3) ASME agreement and ASME certificate
(4) product specification document
(5) normative references, standards referenced under the quality program, customer agreement, and product specification document
(6) purchase orders
(7) competency matrix
(8) approved suppliers list.ASME QPS pdf download.ASME QPS-2021 pdf free download

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