ASME QAI-1-2003 pdf free download

ASME QAI-1-2003 pdf free download

ASME QAI-1-2003 pdf free download.Qualifications for Authorized Inspection
Part 1 is for use with Section III, Divisions 1, 3, and 5 of the ASME Code, 1 including applicable Addenda and Code Cases.
1-1.1 Qualifications An Authorized Inspection Agency is an organization meeting the criteria of this Standard that is accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions set forth in Part4 to provide Authorized Inspection Agency services within a jurisdiction. 2 Such agencies employ Authorized Inspectors and Inspector Supervisors that meet the crite- ria of Section III, Division 1; Section III, Division 3; or Section III, Division 5 of the ASME Code and of the National Board Rules for Commissioned Inspectors. 3
1-1.1.1 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be one of the following:
(a) a jurisdiction 2 that has adopted and does adminis- ter Section III, Division 1; Section III, Division 3; or Section III, Division 5 of the ASME Code as a legal requirement and is qualified to be represented on the ASME Code Conference Committee.
(b) an insurance company that has been licensed or registered by the appropriate authority of a state of the United States of America, or of a province of Canada, to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance in such state or province. The insurance company shall show its capability to provide boiler and pressure vessel insur- ance coverage by being actively engaged in writing such  insurance in one or more ofthe states orprovinces where so licensed or registered.
(c) a company in the business of providing “third party” inspection services within a jurisdiction, 2 which has government recognition to perform inspection and design reviews for boilers and pressure vessels.
1-1.1.2 The jurisdiction described in 1-1.1.1(a) may designate one or more organizations to act on its behalf to enforce its regulations. The organization shall (a) provideevidence establishingthatsuchdelegation of authority is duly authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction (b) describe how the ASME Code is accepted by the jurisdiction (c) describe how the Code is enforced by the organization
1-1.1.3 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions set forth in Part 4. The Authorized Inspection Agency services provided by their Inspectors and Inspector Supervisors shall also be subject to audit by ASME for compliance with this Standard during shop or site reviews of organizations for which they provide Authorized Nuclear Inspection.
1-1.1.4 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall provide authorized inspection services within such states or provinces by Inspectors and Inspector Supervisors who meet the qualifications of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector and of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor as defined herein.
1-1.1.5 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall have no commercial interest in, or shall be independent of any part of an organization having direct commercial interestin, the products to be inspected. The staffshall be free from any commercial, financial, and other pressures hat might influence their judgment or the results of their work. 1-
1.1.6 Authorized Inspection Agencies described in 1-1.1.1(b) and (c) shall have liability insurance and shall
(a) be able to demonstrate that they have adequate arrangements (e.g., insurance or reserves) to cover the liabilities
(b) evaluate their finances and sources of income and shall be able to demonstrate that initially, and on an annual basis, commercial, financial, or other pressures do not compromise their impartiality
(c) retain documentary evidence that they have reviewed their activities on an annual basis to ensure that the requirements of (a) and (b) have been met
(d) declare by signature in the Quality Assurance Manual’s Statement of Policy that the requirements of (a) and (b) will be met
(e) submit the documentary evidence as part of their application for the ASME Certificate of Accreditation
1-1.2 Duties An Authorized Inspection Agency 4 shall perform the duties specified in 1-1.2.1 through 1-1.2.11.
1-1.2.1 Provide Supervisors and Inspectors to par- ticipate in the ASME surveys of Certificate Holders for which they provide Authorized Nuclear Inspection. Ensure the Inspector’s diary is made available for ASME surveys and investigations. The purpose of the diary is to provide a record of the Inspector’s activities and to support the continuity of inspections.
1-1.2.2 Provide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inspectors to monitor construction 5 in accordance with the ASME Code Section III, Division 1, 3, and/or 5.
1-1.2.3 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor the performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and to audit the activities at nuclear shops and field sites for which inspection agreements have been made, in accordance with the requirements of 1-2.2.6.
1-1.2.4 Give written notice to all Inspectors of the name, office address, email address, office phone, and mobile phone of their respective Supervisors annually or whenever there is a change in the above contact information.ASME QAI-1 download.ASME QAI-1-2003 pdf free download

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