ASME PTC 53-2018 pdf free download

ASME PTC 53-2018 pdf free download

ASME PTC 53-2018 pdf free download.Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage Systems Performance Test Codes
This Section provides guidance on performance testing ofmechanical or thermal energy storage system(s) (ESS) and outlines the steps required to plan, conduct, and evaluate a Code test ofESS performance. The subsections discuss the following:
(a) test plan (subsection 3-2)
(b) test preparations (subsection 3-3)
(c) conduct of test (subsection 3-4)
(d) calculation and reporting of results (subsection 3-5) This Code includes procedures for testing the ESS to determine various types of test goals. It also provides specific instructions for multiple-party tests conducted to satisfy or verify guaranteed performance specified in commercial agreements.
3-1.1 Test Goals The objectofthe testshall be agreed to byall parties and shall be defined in writingbefore the test(s) commence. Tests may be designed to satisfy different goals, such as
(a) to ascertain contractual performance for a newly installed ESS
(b) to perform acceptance testing
(c) to determine absolute performance
(d) to determine comparative performance
(e) to determine performance at specific operating condition(s) or with certain fixed parameters
3-1.2 General Precaution Reasonable precautions should be taken when preparing to conduct a Code test. Indisputable records shall be keptto identify and distinguish the equipment to be tested and the exact method oftesting selected. Descriptions, drawings, or photographs mayall be used to give a permanent, explicitrecord. Instrumentlocation shall be predetermined, agreed to bytheparties to thetest, anddescribedindetailintestrecords. Redundantcalibratedinstruments shouldbeprovidedfor instruments susceptible to in-service failure or breakage.
3-1.3 Agreements and Compliance With Code Requirements This Code is suitable for use whenever performance mustbe determined with minimum uncertainty. Strictadherence to the requirements specified in this Code is critical to achieving that objective.
3-1.4 Acceptance Tests This Code maybe incorporatedbyreferenceinto contracts to serveas ameans to verifycommercialguarantees forESS such as storage capacity, energyinput, and energyoutput. Ifthis Code is used forguarantee acceptance testingor for any othertestswheretherearemultiplepartiesrepresented,thosepartiesshallmutuallyagreeontheexactmethodoftesting and the methods of measurement, as well as any deviations from the Code requirements.
3-1.4.1 PriorAgreements.Priortoanytest,thereshallbeagreementontheexactmethodoftestingandthemethodsof measurement. The parties to the testshall agree on all material issues notexplicitlyprescribed bythis Code, as identified in para.
3-2.3 and throughout the Code, including
(a) location and timing of the test
(b) confidentiality of test results
(c) number of copies of test results
(d) organization of personnel, including designation of the engineer in responsible charge of the test
(e) intent of the contract or specification if ambiguities or omissions appear evident
(f) pretest inspections
(g) modifications to the test plan based on preliminary testing
3-1.4.2 Data Records and Test Log. For all acceptance and other official tests, a complete set of data and a complete copy of the test log shall become the property of each of the parties to the test. As the only evidence of actual test conditions, the original log; data sheets, files, and disks; recorder charts; tapes; etc., shall permit clear and legible repro- duction. Copying by hand is not permitted. The completed data records shall include the date and time of day the observations were recorded. The observations shall be the actual readings without application of any instrument correc- tions. The test log should constitute a complete record of events including details that at the time may seem trivial or irrelevant. Erasures, destruction, or deletion of any data record, page of the test log. or recorded observation is not permitted. If any corrections are made, the alteration shall be entered so that the original entry remains legible and an explanation for the change is included. For manual data collection, the test observations shall be entered on carefully prepared forms that constitute original data sheets authenticated by the observers’ signatures. For automatic data collection, printed output or electronic files shall be authenticated by the test coordinator and other representatives of the parties to the test. When no paper copy is generated, the parties to the test shall agree in advance to the method used for authenticating, reproducing, and distributing the data. The electronic data files shall be copied onto tape, disk, or other suitable storage media and distributed to each party to the test. The data files shall be in a format that is easily accessible to all. Data residing on a machine should not remain there unless a permanent backup copy is made.ASME PTC 53 pdf download.ASME PTC 53-2018 pdf free download

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