ASME B30.14-2004 pdf free download

ASME B30.14-2004 pdf free download

ASME B30.14-2004 pdf free download.Side Boom Tractors Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
14-1.1.1 Load Ratings — Where Stability Governs Lifting Performance Load ratings at the minimum load overhang may be based on structural competence rather than stability. Refer to para. 14-1.1.2.
(a) The margin of stability for determination of load ratings, with booms of stipulated lengths at stipulated load overhang for the various type of tractor mountings, is established by taking a percentage of the loads that will produce a condition of tipping. The load ratings shall not exceed the following percentages for side boom tractors, with the indicated types of mounting under conditions stipulated in paras. 14-1.1.1(b) and (c).
(b) The following stipulations shall govern the appli- cation of the values in para. 14-1.1.1(a) for side boom tractors:
(1) Lift capacity from which ratings are determined shall be applied under static conditions only, i.e., with- out dynamic effect of lifting or lowering.
(2) The weight of all auxiliary handling devices such as hoist blocks, hooks, and slings shall be consid- ered a part of the load rating.
(c) Stipulations governing the application of the val- ues in para.
14-1.1.1(a) for track-type side boom tractors and wheel-type side boomtractors shallbe inaccordance with tractor side boom testing procedure SAE J743.
(d) The effectiveness of these preceding stability fac- tors will be influenced by such additional factors as freely suspended loads, wind or ground conditions, con- dition and inflation of rubber tires, boom lengths, operating speeds for existing conditions, and in general, careful and competent operation. All of these shall be taken into account by the user.
14-1.1.2 Load Ratings — Where Structural Competence Governs Lifting Performance Load ratings are governed by the stability of the side boom tractor, i.e., the load required to tip the side boom tractor at a given load overhang. However, in some areas of the operating range, the ratings may be governed by factors other than stability, such as the conditions described below.
(a) Load ratings at the minimum load overhang may be based on structural competence ofthe machine rather than stability.
(b) Load ratings at some load overhangs are governed by structural competence, and side boom tractor stability cannot be used as a basis of load rating. Manufactur- er’s recommendations shall not be exceeded.
14-1.1.3 Load Rating Chart A load rating chart, based on Fig. 3, with legible letters and figures shall be provided with each side boom trac- tor and affixed in a location visible to the operator while seated at the control station. The data and information to be provided on these charts shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:
(a) a range of manufacturer’s recommended side boom tractor rated loads at stated operating load over- hang for permissible boom lengths and for all configura- tions and modifications, but not limited to stabilizers or additional counterweight.
(b) the basis of ratings as found in para. 14-1.1.1, including the identification of ratings if based on structural limitations. Where ratings are limited by structural competence or rope design factors as shown in para.
14- 1.5.1(a), such ratings shall be shown and emphasized on the rating charts and by listing the special provisions of para. 14-3.2.1(c).
(c) recommended parts ofhoistreeving, size,and type of rope for various hook loads shall be shown on the rating chart and in the operating manual.
(d) a rating chart shall be prepared by a qualified person for all nonstandard modifications including boom length.
SECTION 14-1.2: BOOM HOIST AND LOAD HOIST MECHANISMS 14-1.2.1 Boom Hoist Mechanism When using recommended boom hoist reeving or hydraulic cylinder system with maximum load capacity suspended, the boom hoist mechanism shall be capable of raising or lowering the boom, stopping boom motion, and holding it stationary without attention from the operator.ASME B30.14 pdf download.ASME B30.14-2004 pdf free download

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