ASME A112.19.10-2003 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.10-2003 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.10-2003 pdf free download.DUAL FLUSH DEVICES FOR WATER CLOSETS Performance Requirement. Any signs of cracking, permanent distortion, elongation, breakage of any links and attachments, or dimensional changes due to wear, swelling, or absorption of water shall be cause for rejection to the extent function and/or performance is altered.
3.2.3 Cycle Testing of Complete Unit Test Method for Dual Flush Device. A com- plete dual flush device shall be installed in a flush tank equipped with a fill valve that is adjusted to a level at a height as marked on the fixture tank, or to a minimum of 7 ± 1 ⁄ 4 in. (178 ± 6 mm) above the flush valve seat. Place a volume of water in the tank to the same water level height above the flush valve seat. Flush (operate) the assembly for 25,000 cycles with sequence cycles of reduced and full flushes, in the ratio of 5:1 for low to normal flush volume. The length of the flush cycle shall not be less than 90 sec or sufficient to drain and fill the tank. After 25,000 cycles, remove all the tank water. Refill the tank to the previous water level height above the flush valve seat. Allow to stand 60 ± 3 min and determine if there is any leakage of water from the flush valve outlet. If the test has been accomplished in con- ducting this procedure (see paras. 3.2.1 or 3.2.2), then para. need not be separately performed, but the performance requirement must be satisfied (see para. Performance Requirement. Not more than 0.5% of the total measured volume of water in the tank shall leak from the flush valve outlet after 60 ± 3 min. 3.3 Hydraulic Performance Water closets with new devices installed shall be tested in accordance with the procedures and require- ments of ASME A112.19.2M and ASME A112.19.6, as described in the following sections. All tests in ASME A112.19.6 shall be performed with the dual flush devices and mechanisms installed in accordance with the manu- facturer’s instructions and as noted in para.
3. 3.3.1 Dual Flush Mechanism, Short or Reduced Vol- ume Flush — Washing of Flushing Surface (Rim Wash). See para., ink test, of ASME A112.19.6. When conducting the test for rim wash, add the following:
(a) set the dual flush mechanism for water volume at a minimum of 30% savings of water closet rated consumption, 1 in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for achieving satisfactory performance;
(b) follow the test media, procedures, report, and per- formance requirements of ASME A112.19.6.
3.3.2 Removal of Waste Liquids (Water Change). See para., dye tests, of ASME A112.19.6.
(a) Test Method. When conducting the test for removal of waste liquids for water dilution ratio, add the fol- lowing:
(1) set the dual flush mechanism for a minimum of 30% savings of water closet rated consumption, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for achieving satisfactory performance.
(2) tests shall be repeated three successive times only with the reduced volume flushes and with the dye solution added for each test, without other added refill of the bowl. After the third reduced flush, and without additional bowl refill and with the dye solution added, flush one conventional long duration discharge.
(3) follow the test method, procedure, report, and performance requirement of ASME A112.19.6.
(4) record the results of each test separately.
(b) Performance Requirement. A dilution ratio ofat least 100:1 shall be obtained in each flush at the reduced water consumption of the dual flush operation, and the dilution ratio of at least 100:1 shall be obtained with the long conventional flush. Failure to perform at the established levels shall be cause for rejection.
3.3.3 Toilet Paper Test for Waste Removal
(a) Test Method. 2 Test media and procedure follow ASME A112.19.6, para. A2.3.1, with the following changed actions:
(1) a test load of 20 sheets of two-ply toilet paper, with each doubled sheet detached from each other, or 40 detached sheets of single-ply paper, shall be added to the bowl (not in balls). The sheets shall be randomly distributed over the water surface before flushing and without wiping flushing surface (leaving any residual sheets or parts thereon).ASME A112.19.10 pdf download.ASME A112.19.10-2003 pdf free download

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