ASME SA-961-2021 pdf free download

ASME SA-961-2021 pdf free download

15.3 The parts shall be free of injurious imperfections as defined below. At the discretion of the inspector repre- senting the purchaser, finished parts shall be subject to rejection if surface imperfections acceptable under 15.5 are not scattered, but appear over a large area.
15.4 Depth ofInjurious Imperfections — Selected typi- cal linear and other typical surface imperfections shall be explored for depth. When the depth encroaches on the minimum specified wall thickness ofthe finished part, such imperfections shall be considered injurious. 15.5 Imperfections Not Classified as Injurious — Sur- face imperfections not classified as injurious shall be treated as follows: 15.5.1 Seams, laps, tears, or slivers not deeper than 5% of the actual wall thickness at the point of interest or 1 ⁄ 16 in. [1.6 mm], whicheveris less, areacceptable. Ifdeeper, these imperfections require removal, and shall be removed by machining or grinding.
15.5.2 Mechanical marks or abrasions and pits shall be acceptable without grinding or machining provided the depth does not exceed 1 ⁄ 16 in. [1.6 mm]. If such imperfec- tions are deeper than 1 ⁄ 16 in. [1.6 mm] but do not encroach on the minimum wall thickness of the forging they shall be removed by machining or grinding to sound metal.
15.5.3 The wall thickness at the point of grinding, or at imperfections not required to be removed, shall be determined by deducting the amount removed by grinding, from the nominal finished wall thickness of the part. In any case, the wall thickness shall not be less than the specified minimum value.
16. Repair by Welding
16.1 The purchaser may require the supplier to submit proposed weld repairs for approval by invoking the appro- priate supplementary requirement from the applicable productspecification in the purchase order. Ifthe purchaser does not require prior approval of proposed weld repairs, these repairs shall be permitted at the discretion of the supplier. All weld repairs shall be performed in accordance with the following limitations and requirements.
16.1.1 The welding procedure and welders shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
16.1.2 Defects shall be completely removed prior to welding by chipping or grinding to sound metal. Removal of these defects shall be verified by magnetic particle inspectionin accordance with TestMethod A 275/A 275M or Guide E 709 for the ferritic, martensitic, or ferritic/ austenitic grades, orby liquidpenetrantinspection inaccor- dance with Test Method E 165 for ferritic, martensitic, or austenitic grades.
16.1.3 After repair welding, the welded area shall be ground smooth to the original contour and shall be completely free of defects as verified by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection, as applicable.
16.1.4 Repair by welding shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the part, or 33 1 ⁄ 3 % of the wall thickness of the finished product, or 3 ⁄ 8 in. [10 mm] deep at the location of the repair.
16.2 The weld repair shall conform to 9.2 and to the additional requirements, if any, invoked in the Product Specification.
17. Inspection
17.1 The supplier shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the material is being produced and furnished in accordance with the general specification and the applicable product specification. Site inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the supplier’s operations. 18. Rejection and Rehearing 18.1 Samples representing material rejected by the pur- chaser shall be preserved until disposition of the claim has been agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
18.2 Material that shows injurious defects subsequent to its acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified.
19. Certification
19.1 Marking ofthe specification numberandmanufac- turer’s name or trademark on the parts, and printing of the same on test reports, shall be certification that the parts have been furnished in accordance with the requirements of the specification
. 19.2 Test reports shall be traceable to the heat identification on the parts. They shall contain the information specified by the Product Specification and the purchaser order. They shall include the specification number and year/date of issue.
19.3 A certificate printed from or used in electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission shall be regarded as having the same validity as a counterpoint printed in the certifiers facility. The content ofthe EDI transmitted docu- mentshall conform to any existing EDI agreementbetween the purchaser and supplier.ASME SA-961 pdf download.ASME SA-961-2021 pdf free download

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